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Why are gas boilers being banned?

According to a survey by the National Housing Federation, houses in England contribute more to carbon emissions than automobiles. According to an NHF study, 25 million households emit 58.5 million tons of CO2 each year, equivalent to the emissions of 28 million automobiles. In England, there are 27 million automobiles, which release 56 million tons of CO2 each year. This demonstrates the necessity for a comprehensive plan to minimize greenhouse gas emissions generated by houses.

As revealed in April 2021, the UK government will set the most ambitious goal, reducing emissions by 78 per cent by 2035 compared to 1990 levels. These goals demonstrate that the economy is serious about attaining Net Zero, and they will point the way to low-carbon, renewable energy sources for heating and electricity. According to the new government guidelines, new residences will not be permitted for new boiler installation from 2025.

Will my gas boiler need to be replaced after 2025?

When the Future Homes Standard takes effect in 2025, new homes will be required to use low-carbon heating methods. Retrofitting existing homes with heat pumps or biomass boilers presents greater difficulty.

Though you are not required to replace your old gas boiler, it is advised that you examine your options and invest in greener alternatives when the time comes to do so. It’s advisable to keep a lookout for programs and incentives that might assist reduce the cost of heat pumps and other renewable technology in newly constructed houses.

3 Low-Carbon Gas Boiler Alternatives

Heat pumps, both air source, and ground source are some of the alternatives to gas boilers to consider, and biomass boilers may be more suitable in some circumstances if your land is not suited to adequately install a heat pump.

Both space heating and hot water systems benefit from air source heat pumps‘ efficient heating and cooling. The cost of installing the system ranges from £8,000 to £18,000. Though the initial investment is costly, they have low operating and maintenance expenses, lowering your annual energy expenditures. 

Ground source heat pumps are best suited for newly constructed homes with the opportunity to design the layout and plan for the installation of these systems, which can take up a lot of room. Because they get their heat from the earth, which has a constant temperature, they’re almost silent and won’t lose efficiency even in the colder months. If you’re planning a new home, ground source heat pump costs might help you analyze your alternatives.

Biomass boilers are often less expensive than oil- or gas-fired boilers. They have a lower environmental effect and lower fuel costs than gas boilers. They’re the finest option for houses where heat pumps aren’t appropriate.

Heat pumps and other low-carbon solutions will be used to heat houses in the UK in the future, to get near to Net Zero objectives by the mid-century. People will be able to buy heat pumps thanks to new government handouts such as the Clean Heat Grant, and the cost difference from a gas boiler will be minimal. The RHI, which is accessible until March 2022, is anticipated to be replaced by this award.


For your safety and peace of mind, we utilize our verified and experienced Gas Safe professionals to handle all your boiler replacement needs.

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