All Heating One

Choosing the Best Boiler for Your Home 2022

Finding the best boiler can be difficult, particularly since they all claim to be the ‘best.’ As a result, it is critical to understand all of the various product specs and residential factors before attempting to make your purchase, as they will also impact how much a new boiler total cost.

That’s why we took the time to create this quick 5-minute guide for you. At All Heating One we have compiled a list of three key factors to give an idea of what might be suitable for your home. However, it is critical to always consult with specialists before making a purchase.

When Purchasing A Boiler, The Three Most Key Factors To Consider Are!

  1. Types of Boiler
  2. Type of Fuel 
  3. Size of Boiler


Every new boiler installed in the UK must be a condensing boiler, according to a law passed by the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister in 2005.

Larger heat exchangers are used in condensing boilers. They recover latent heat (that otherwise would have been lost to the atmosphere) and re-use it as fuel. As a result, property owners can improve their home’s energy savings, reduce their electricity bills, and lower their carbon footprint.

Condensing boilers are classified into three types: combi boilers, conventional boilers, and system boilers. Depending on the available space and the size of the boiler, they can all be wall-mounted or floor-standing.

  1. Combi Boilers

Combi boilers are now the most prevalent kind of boiler used in UK households. They are both inexpensive and energy-efficient. The Combi boiler delivers heat for both radiators and hot water on demand because they draw water straight from the main supply and heat it as needed.

One of the primary advantages of these boilers is their potential to supply immediate hot water without the use of water reservoirs or cylinders, making them simple to install and less inclined to bring up too much space.

And yet, because combi boilers heat the water on demand, they are best suited to use 1-2 water taps or a single shower at the time, because otherwise the water may not attain the optimal temperature or the pressure may be inadequate. As a result, it is less appropriate for big households with numerous bathrooms. Combi boilers may also be unsuitable if your home has poor or low water pressure.

  1. Conventional Boilers

Conventional boilers, also known as regular boilers, are made up of a cylinder and a water reservoir. As a result, installation may be more expensive, and the system may require significantly more amount of space. Because hot water will be preheated and preserved before use, it is critical to properly insulate the cylinder to avoid heat loss.

Despite the fact that this sort of boiler is not perfect for houses with restricted space, property owners can use multiple taps or showers at the same time without experiencing any problems. As a result, a traditional boiler is an excellent choice for larger homes, particularly those in places with low water pressure.

Because it can be integrated with solar thermal systems, this type of boiler is also an eco-friendly solution. In that particular instance, the household would use renewable water heating for the day and the boiler at night or during periods of higher water consumption.

  1. System Boilers

System boilers are ideal for homes with multiple bathrooms as they have a completely separate cylinder for storing hot water. To sustain efficiency and help stop heat loss, the cylinder must be adequately insulated.

The main heating and hot water elements of system boilers are built into the boilers themselves, as opposed to the conventional boilers. This significantly speeds up and simplifies the installation process. Furthermore, because system boilers do not need a cold water reservoir, they are perfect for homes with little or no loft space. System boilers depend on mains water pressure rather than gravity (compared to the cold water tank of conventional boilers).

They could be used in conjunction with solar water heating systems, just like conventional boilers, to help you control your utility bills and carbon footprint.

TYPE OF FUEL: Electric, Gas, Oil, and Biomass

  1. Electric Boilers

Electric boilers are excellent options for property owners looking for a lightweight and portable solution. It is also an excellent alternative for homes that are not attached to the gas line.

Electric boilers are extremely energy efficient because they retain heat well. However, despite their lower initial price, electric boilers can be costly to operate due to the high price of electricity in comparison to mains gas and renewable resources.

  1. Gas Boilers

Gas boilers are the most popular boiler type among property owners, owing to the UK’s extensive natural gas grid, which is connected to at least 84 percent of domestic properties. Gas is also far more cost-effective than electricity because the price per kWh is three to four times lower. Even if it is not as eco-friendly as other fossil fuels, gas is the purest fossil fuel.

It is mandatory by law to get your gas boiler installed by a Gas Safe Registered installer to avoid exposure to carbon monoxide (CO).

  1. Oil-Fired Boilers

Oil could be one of the greatest cost-effective alternative fuels if your home is not connected to a gas pipeline system.

Oil-fired boilers necessarily require a large fuel storage tank, which could also begin taking up a lot of space on the ground. As a result, it is not appropriate for small houses with constrained ground space. You will also need to keep a close eye on the amount of oil remaining in the tank to ensure that hot water is always available.

  1. Biomass Boilers

Biomass boilers, which run on wood fuel, are sustainable and use a renewable energy source. Although wood is regarded as carbon neutral, it can emit CO when burned. As a result, you should install a CO sensor near the area to supervise the level of CO.

While considering installing a biomass boiler, you should also consider available space. You’ll need plenty of space for the device and fuel storage. Your house must also have a high chimney, with a height limit of 4.5 meters.


Though the most prevalent boiler performance is somewhere around 31 kW, when it comes to boilers, there is no one-size-fits-all option because there are numerous factors that influence what size boiler is optimal for each existing home.

In other terms, before purchasing a boiler, you should examine its size, since this will affect its heating capability and energy usage.

As a consequence, boilers of various sizes might have varying outputs calculated in kW. (Kilowatts). In other terms, the larger the number of Kw, the greater the boiler will be. Residential boilers typically range in power from 24kW to 42kW.

There are three major housing features that influence the size of your boiler:

  1. Bedrooms available
  2. Number of restrooms
  3. Count of radiators


It is difficult to select the best boiler. It is much more difficult and time-consuming to select a reliable provider with the greatest deals on the market.

When deciding what sort of boiler to buy, different families with different types of residences have varying usage conditions and expectations. All Heating One connects you with the best boiler providers in the industry. If you are looking for a new boiler installation then I must say you should give a call to our professionals as we are Gas Safe Engineers.

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