All Heating One

Cavity Wall Insulation Explained

Save money on energy bills, Protect the Environment and Reduce the Consumption of Heat on your property.  

Did you know that a Cavity wall Insulation is one of the most efficient insulation? Keep reading to learn more! This blog post about insulation will provide all the necessary information about the different types of solid wall insulation and how they work. We will also offer Insulation valuable tips on saving money on your energy bills by insulating your walls.

What Is Cavity Wall Insulation?

Cavity wall insulation is a type of Wall insulation placed between the inner and outer walls of a home. Insulation between two walls is a type of insulation that helps keep heat from escaping through the walls and can also help to reduce noise levels. The Cavity wall insulation material is made from various materials, including fiberglass, cellulose, and polystyrene. There are different insulation materials, and selection is not always easy, so Choosing the correct type of material for your home is essential to ensure effectiveness. Cavity wall insulation can be installed by a professional or added during the construction of a new home. Adding this type of insulation to an existing home can be more complex and may require the help of a professional.

The Cavity wall insulation is the most effective way to improve your home’s energy efficiency. By insulating the space between your property’s inner and outer walls, you can reduce heat loss by 35%. Cavity wall insulation is suitable for most property types, but a few things to consider when selecting the appropriate material.

How To Identify Cavity Wall?

The most common way is to look for a stretcher bond. If you see this bond, you likely have a cavity wall. It is where the bricks are laid side by side in a single layer with the long sides touching.

Domestic energy assessors use the measuring tape when measuring the thickness of a cavity wall; you will first need to identify the type of wall you are dealing with. A cavity wall consists of two outer layers of brick or stone, with a cavity in between typically filled with insulation. To measure the thickness of this type of wall, you will need to use a measuring tape:

  1. Measure the distance from the outside surface of one brick to the outer surface of the next. It will give you the thickness of the bricks.
  2. Measure the distance from the inside surface of one brick to the inside surface of the next. It will give you the thickness of the cavity.
  3. Deduct the thickness of the bricks from the thickness of the wall to estimate the cavity wall thickness.

 The third way to identify a cavity wall is to look for cracks or holes in the mortar between the brickwork. These are called spalls, caused by water getting into the mortar and freezing, which expands and creates fractures. 

Is Cavity Wall Insulation Right Choice For My Home?

Cavity wall insulation is a popular home improvement option that can offer several benefits. First, it can help keep your home warm in the winter, saving you money on your energy bills. Cavity wall insulation can also add value to your home if you ever decide to sell it. However, there are also some potential drawbacks to consider. For example, there can be significant installation costs involved. Therefore, it is always recommended to weigh the pros and cons of cavity wall insulation before deciding whether or not it’s suitable for your home.

Grants for Cavity Wall Insulation, Internal Wall Insulation and Solid wall Insulation 

Energy Company Obligation (ECO) is a government-supported energy efficiency scheme in the United Kingdom, launched in 2013, designed to help low-income and vulnerable households to reduce their energy usage and costs. It delivers insulation and other energy efficiency measures to homes considered “hard to treat”. The big six energy companies fund the scheme through levies on customer bills. From June 2022 onwards, the ECO4 scheme will be in operation, providing Cavity Wall Insulation, Internal Wall Insulation and Solid wall Insulation for homeowners who cannot afford to heat their properties. Funding support is available through the scheme, making it easier for people to access these vital improvements. With winter temperatures set to increase in the coming years, the ECO4 scheme will play an essential role in helping vulnerable people stay warm and safe in their homes.

Things to Consider before Installation of Cavity wall Insulation  

Materials and Construction 

 The first is the construction type of your property. You can use any insulation if it is an unbreathable construction, such as a cavity block or concrete panel. If it is a breathable construction, such as traditional stone or brick, you must choose a breathable insulation material. 

The surrounding environment also affects the performance of the insulation material. Suppose you live in an area with a mild climate, any type of insulation will be suitable. However, if your property is in a cold environment, you will need to choose insulation with a higher R-value, which indicates its ability to resist heat flow. Cavity wall insulation is an excellent way to improve your home’s energy efficiency, but selecting the suitable material for your property type and climate is essential.


Retrofit installers should check the property ventilation system for the occupants of the property is sufficient to provide fresh air and manage the moisture in the property. Insulation makes the property airtight, so if the ventilation system is not adequate, then install or upgrade the ventilation system. The main types of retrofit installs are natural ventilation, exhaust-only ventilation, and mechanical ventilation with heat recovery. Natural ventilation is the least expensive option and can be accomplished by opening windows or installing louvres. Exhaust-only ventilation requires a fan to be installed to remove stale air from the home; however, this system does not exchange fresh air into the house and should only supplement a different ventilation system. Modern Mechanical ventilation with heat recovery is the most expensive option. Still, it will provide the best indoor air quality by constantly exchanging fresh air in the home while also exhausting stale air. This system also benefits from recovering some of the heat lost through traditional ventilation systems.

Insulation Protection Ventilation 

Cavity wall insulation (CWI) ventilation is installing vents in the walls of a building to improve the airflow and prevent moisture buildup. Cavity wall insulation has many benefits, including reducing energy costs, improving indoor air quality, and preventing mould and mildew growth. However, CWI can cause moisture buildup without proper ventilation, leading to mould and mildew growth. Proper CWI ventilation is essential for maintaining a healthy indoor environment and preventing costly repairs.

Domestic Retrofit Standards PAS203 and PAS 2035

There are several different retrofit standards for cavity wall insulation, so it’s essential to choose one that suits your needs. The Cavity Wall Insulation retrofit standard is a good option for homes that need to improve energy efficiency. This standard requires the installation of insulation in all external walls, including those with cavities less than 50mm deep. Cavity wall insulation is one of the great ways to improve the thermal performance of your home and reduce noise pollution. Choose a retrofit standard that suits your needs, and make sure you get it installed by a professional.

Retrofit is a standard for insulation measures and involves many building professionals to protect the interests of the public. The retrofit coordinator oversees the domestic and commercial projects from start to finish and identifies any issues with the property according to the PAS 2030, PAS 2035 and Domestic Retrofit standards.

 Insulation Professionals

There are two main types of insulation: retrofit and new construction. Retrofit insulation is installed in existing homes, while new construction insulation is installed during the construction of new homes. Retrofit installers are professional insulation installers specialising in retrofitting existing homes with insulation. They are trained to work around obstacles such as electrical wiring and plumbing, and they have the experience to know which insulation products will work best in your home. If you’re thinking about retrofitting your home with insulation, hire a retrofit installer to get the job done right.

Advantages Of Cavity Wall Insulation

  1. Suppose you’re looking for energy-saving ways to improve your home’s energy efficiency; cavity wall insulation is a great option. By insulating the space between your home’s outer and inner walls, you can keep heat in during the wintertime. 
  2. Insulation can lead to reduced heating costs and increased comfort levels. 
  3. Cavity wall insulation is also effective at reducing noise pollution from outside sources. And because it’s so durable, it can provide long-term energy savings for your home.

Dis-Advantages Of The Cavity Wall Insulation

  1. Cavity wall insulation stops the air leakage into the property, and the lack of fresh air is not suitable for the property and its occupants. 
  2. Failed cavity wall insulation means that the cavity was not property inspected, and it was filled with rubble so it could make the thermal bridges. Thermal bridges promote the cold spots and the property’s mould growth issues.
  3. Another thing to think about is that cavity wall insulation will not stop all heat loss – some heat will still escape through walls, ceilings, floors and doors. However, it can certainly make a significant difference in how much heat your home retains, lowering energy bills. 

Frequently Asked Questions About The Cavity Wall Insulation 

How Much Does Cavity Wall Insulation Cost?

The cost of cavity wall insulation can vary depending on the size and type of property and the kind of insulation. The big houses properties cost more, which does not include the cost related to the surveys, plans and further inspection to protect your property from un-intended consequences. However, as a general guide, cavity wall insulation typically costs between £450 and £950. 

Some prefilled cavities sometimes require extraction, so it is also an additional cost to refill the cavity. Cavity extraction is also required to extract the rubble and debris from the cavities. 

How Long Does Cavity Wall Insulation Last?

Most cavity wall insulation manufacturers will give you a 25-year warranty for the materials. If your insulation fails within that time frame, the manufacturer will replace it free of charge. Retrofit installers will also register a separate warranty for the installation itself. It is usually for an exact period – typically 25 years – but it covers any problems due to the installation process. So, when you’re considering cavity wall insulation, you can be confident that a warranty covers you for both the materials and the installation.

How Does Cavity Wall Insulation Work?

 A cavity wall filled with correct insulation material works by filling the gaps between the inner and outer leaves of brickwork with an insulating material, which acts as a barrier to heat loss. Insulation, including cavity wall insulation, effectively reduces heat loss, as it prevents heat from escaping through the cavity walls. 

How To Remove Cavity Wall Insulation?

Allheatingone Cavity wall insulation extraction is removing existing insulation from cavity walls. There are many reasons to extract the insulation, such as to make the building more energy-efficient, to install new insulation, or to repair damage to the existing insulation. Cavity wall insulation extraction machines are used to remove the insulation, and they come in different sizes and designs. These include cavity wall insulation extraction machines, which use high-pressure air to blow the insulation out of the cavity, and hydraulic cavity wall insulation extraction machines, which use hydraulic pressure to force the insulation out of the cavity. The most common machine is the rotary drum cavity wall insulation extraction machine, which uses rotating drums to break up the insulation and suction to remove it from the cavity. However, no matter what type of machine is used, this can be a messy and dangerous job, so hiring a professional contractor who has experience with this type of work is essential.

How Do I Know If I Have Cavity Wall Insulation?

  • If you have access to the loft and are comfortable checking the walls, you can check whether the inner ( cavity ) wall is filled with insulation material.
  • Energy Certificate mentions the wall type and cavity ( filled or not). Drilled holes on the outer walls in a pattern show that the cavity wall is filled with materials. Sometimes the holes are painted over and hard to see, then check the property’s energy performance certificate.
  • Drilling to the wall is an option but always fill the drilled hole with waterproof material to protect the insulation material.
  • Check the paperwork; the retrofit installers register the installation warranty and send it to the customer by post or email. 
  • The quality mark is the leading warranty provider; it is worth checking if they have a warranty for your property. It means that the installers filled your cavity and registered the warranty.

If you’re looking for a way to make your home more energy-efficient, cavity wall insulation is the way. In addition to saving you money on your energy bills, it can also increase the value of your home and improve its insulation against sound and weather. Funding support is available from the government and local authorities, so don’t hesitate to contact Cavity Wall Installers in Scotland today!

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