Boilers play an integral part in providing warm water and heat during winters. However, we notice a decline in boilers’ heating performance with time. We might hear some weird sounds, slow heating, and a reduction in the water heating system. It all indicates that the magnetic filter in the boiler needs cleaning.

A magnetic filter is part of the heating system that collects all debris and water waste to filter out the clean water through it. Ultimately, this build-up causes problems and may reduce a boiler’s performance. Thus, it is essential to clean the magnetic filter regularly for long-lasting performance.

Let us discuss in more detail how a magnetic filter in a boiler works.

How Does a Magnetic Filter in a Boiler Work?

If we start with a simple example, we know that all heating equipment, like a kettle or maybe a radiator requires hot water, which may cause rust or debris to accumulate at one end of the system. It is not always easy to see it with the naked eye. You might need professional assistance to see and remove the dirt accumulated over time in the heating system.

Similarly, if we talk about a boiler, we know that it comprises multiple materials that may corrode over time and gather up in the magnetic filter. Steel is the most common metal in the heating system or a boiler. It does not take a long time to corrode with water and oxygen. Once the steel is corroded, it forms a black sludge. This black sludge is found in the pipes and the radiators. It decreases the boiler’s performance.

We can easily clean the magnetic filter where it is generally accumulate to remove this black sludge. Steel is a metal attract to the magnetic filter due to its metallic nature. Steel sludge and dust and dirt are filtered in the magnetic filter from the clean water. But this may cause blockages if the filter is not clean correctly. Therefore, we recommend that magnetic filter boilers be cleaned regularly to boost the boiler’s efficiency or the heating system.

Not everyone is accustomed to clean magnetic filters. To assist your case, we have a dedicated team available to renew and repair your boilers or your heating systems.

Moving on, it is time to discuss some general tips for cleaning your magnetic filters.

Tips for Cleaning a Magnetic Filter in a Boiler

Cleaning a magnetic filter in a boiler will increase your boiler’s efficiency and will allow it to work for a long time. Here are some of the essential points to consider before beginning to clean your magnetic filter.

1. Switch off the electric button

2.Remove the lid

3. Remove the magnet

4.Remove and clean the filter

5.Refit it carefully

Switch off the electric button:

The initial step in cleaning the magnetic filter is to cut off any electricity supply to the boiler. After removing any electric current from the boiler, you may need to lay down a dust sheet or an ice tub so that all the black sludge and debris fall onto it.

In most cases, boilers may have isolation valves attached near the magnetic filter. It is better to turn them off to stop the hot water supply. Furthermore, sometimes a boiler also has a drain cap at the bottom.  You may loosen that knob and let all the dirt and sludge fall into the tub. If your boiler does not have it, you do not need to worry about it. You may continue following the rest of the steps.

But it is essential to take care of your hands as the water, or the rods might still be hot enough. Therefore, it is better to let them cool and then start removing the lid from it.

Remove the Lid:

Removing the lid may seem like an easy step, but it also requires a bit of energy. Your magnetic filter lid might not be a piece of cake to remove. You may need a lid spanner to remove it efficiently. Your magnetic filter lid must be tighten with screws, and you will have to unscrew and remove the lid with the help of a specific spanner.

This lid spanner can be order online if it is not supplied with the boiler’s kit. Once you start unscrewing the lid, you may need to exert some extra pressure onto it with the help of a hammer. Once done, you can drain the water if it has a drainage point; if not, it is good as it will not store some additional air in it.

Remove the Magnet:

The magnet can be found attach to the lid. You will easily recognize it once you remove the lid. You may need to rotate the magnet anti-clockwise to remove the magnet from the lid. Remember that the magnet is the clean part; the filter stores all the sludge and debris in the unit. So, when you have removed the lid, you can remove the magnet.

Remove and Clean the Filter:

The filter and the magnet are both parts of the lid. The filter contains the sludge and the dirt, whereas the magnet is underneath the filter. It is usually the clean part and may not require a lot of cleaning.

Once you have identified the filter, you will be able to see all the black debris accumulated on it. It is best to take it to your lawn or some other place to reduce the mess inside the room. You can clean all the metallic debris off the filter with the help of a powerful hose. Any standard water pipe with a good water supply can do the job for you. Clean it off properly, as it may take some time to clean.

Once the boiler’s filter is clean, you should dry it out and check the rest of the parts, the lid and the magnet, for cleaning. Although they might not be as dirty as the filter, it is also good to clean them.

Refit it Carefully:

After all the cleaning has been done, it is time to reassemble the parts and fit them back into the boiler. Place the magnet back into the clean and dried filter. Fit them tightly to the lid. You may need a spanner to tighten them properly. Carefully fit the lid to the unit. Make sure all the screws are tightened properly with the help of a spanner.

After fixing all the parts to the unit, open the closed valves and turn on the electric supply button, which you turned off before cleaning the magnetic filter.

How Often to Clean the Magnetic Filter in a Boiler?

One of the most common questions asked is how often we should clean the magnetic filter in a boiler.

Cleaning a magnetic filter in a boiler once a year is a good idea. But it should be done professionally with proper care and assistance. If you do not know how to clean magnetic filters in a boiler, it is better to seek aid from experts. It will save you time and may help you from getting hurt.

Most boilers do not have a magnetic filter installed with them. It is better to get it installed by heating professionals. Installing a magnetic filter has many benefits associated with it. It will help reduce your electricity bills and increase your boiler’s lifespan. If a boiler does not have a magnetic filter installed, imagine all the debris and metallic sludge will decrease and eventually block its heating efficiency. Thus, increasing overall heating costs in the long run. Therefore, magnetic filters are essential in keeping all boilers clean and steady.